Researching MOOCs

5 Items
Massive open online courses (MOOCs) has grown fast. Universities have begun to run courses in these new environments, and many have used their involvement to develop their understanding of teaching and learning online. Researchers have been investigating different aspects of teaching and learning in MOOCs. This special collection brings together five contributions coming from researchers who are part of the FutureLearn Academic Network. One contribution surveys publications on MOOCs that were produced at the 29 UK universities connected to the FutureLearn MOOC platform considering them as a body of related work, to identify a set of nine priority areas for MOOC research and development. Another considers the experience of using a MOOC as a research instrument. Another gives an opportunity to consider how accessibility issues could be considered from a providers perspective. A further contribution describes in an institutional case study how different actors in higher education can operate in this new MOOC space, while another describes the challenges and opportunities afforded to PhD students as MOOC mentors.

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